The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Played by Masimba Musodza
Digital Services ASIN: B008JJTOQK Price: $3.00 PNSISBN: 1475158203
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Masimba Musodza’s book Satanism: The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever
Played posits many questions to its readers, if Satan is not real then
the mass hysteria that he’s creating in many emerging and technologically
advanced countries is as Musodza’s literary work announces is a ruse. He
parallels the Zimbabwean rise in Satan, secret societies and Witchcraft reporting
and calls to action journalistic ethics and standards to prevent further trickery. This deception is having great
consequences in Zimbabwe and many other places, whether Satan is real as presented in media forms or
religious venues, Musodza lays out in his book a framework to evaluate what he
refers to as “Satanic Panic.” This affect is what prompted Musodza to write
this book, and share his research and findings. The author delves deep into the
unknown including the history of Satanism, you the reader do not have to decide
whether Satan is real to revel in the contents of the book, but to open one’s
mind to the concept that any idea told repeatedly inciting hatred and violence
can have ill effects on any individual or group of persons. And that much of
the information you may know or may have been told could be up for debate, this
is a deep-thought provoking read.
Mathisrud, MBA
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