Monday, June 18, 2012

Life On The Walk Of Fame by Surakhan

Life On The Walk Of Fame by Surakhan
VSE Enterprises –Publishing Co. 123 pages. $12.00
Buy a copy today!

What does it take to be a sensational actress playing on television and acting on Broadway? Life on the walk of fame “The Virginia Capers Story” by Surakhan serves us a vivid palette of her life on and off the screen, answering this question and many more. Surakhan’s ambition to meld together his life experiences while folding in the life of Virginia Capers is an enjoyable read for fans of the actress and any reader wanting to learn about a great African-American actress. Many of us remember her from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, her stardom began well before that, SuraKhan reunites us with one of our TV favorites, as we learn how the author’s first meeting with Virgina at age 13 changed his life. Together through interactive dialogue we learn of her start, triumphs and highlights as well as her untimely passing.  She earns many awards, stars in such hits as Raisin and Jamaica with Lena Horne, and through it all her enthusiasm and drive lives on to excite readers and her much cherished fans. Surakhan has a keen knack for taking our hands and leading us through his life experiences so that we can share in this and many of his other meticulous well-crafted works such as In the Name of Love, Brothers Gonna Work It Out, and The Hereafter.

Natasha Mathisrud, MBA

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